IRA - 2006 Children's Book Award Texas Book Festival - 2006 featured book
Peddicord travels a long, long, way, past stars and glowing nebulae, into intergalactic space-then, ultimately, loops back to a special blue-green planet 'graced by water, wind, and air...' readers will be more than willing to tag along...' School Library Journal, April 2005
"We've long waited for books such as these to explain, in age-appropriate language, some of the fundamental concepts that have shaken the foundation of Physics." Laura Kraft, W.M. Keck Observatory, April 2005
Texas Book Festival - 2007 featured book
"...This is a perfect celebration covering all of the steps that a newborn makes en route to becoming a toddler. The lush, enormously appealing illustrations perfectly mesh with the bouncy rhyme...Sure to be a much-demanded, "Read-it-again" picture book..." School Library Journal, Sept. 2007
"...Peddicord creates a heartfelt story commemorating the wonderful development that occurs between infancy and early childhood. This joyful testimony to a child's progression is bound to appeal to a preschooler's sense of pride in their recent gains..." Kirkus Reviews, Aug. 2007