That Special Little Baby
Best for pre k -1,  small group setting
Part A – read the text and explore the illustrations;  discover how the baby
in the book "grew and grew and grew" into a child a lot like ‘you’.
Part B – put each child into their very own two-page spread
  • left side with current picture of child
  • right side with space for child to show how they will “grow and  
    grow and grow!”
Part C – demonstrate how the book is physically put together, with  proof
sheets and ‘signatures’.
Found Poetry Writing Workshop
Best for grades 3-5, small group setting
A writing workshop in which children first search through books for eye
and ear catching words, which they store on yellow sticky notes, and then
mix, modify, and rearrange into lines of poetry.
In addition to school and library visits, Jane speaks about children's literature to aspiring writers and teachers.  
Contact the author for more information.
Author  Visits
"Jane did a wonderful job...We were thrilled to be able to have her visit our campus!"
Heather Stephens, McBee Elementary School librarian
Night Wonders
Best for grades 3-5, small or large group setting
Part A – power point presentation displaying:
  • Hubble images of the solar system, galaxy and beyond
  • the structure and size of the known universe
  • ongoing NASA and ESA space exploration projects
   (focus adaptable to specific requests)
Part B – interactive demonstration of the synchronous rotation of the moon
(or why we can’t see the far side of the moon from Earth)
Jane Ann Peddicord
IRA - 2006 Children's Book Award
Texas Book Festival - 2006 featured book

Peddicord travels a long, long, way,
past stars and glowing nebulae, into
intergalactic space-then, ultimately,
loops back to a special blue-green
planet 'graced by water, wind, and
air...' readers will be more than willing
to tag along...'
School Library Journal, April 2005

"We've long waited for books such as
these to explain, in age-appropriate
language, some of the fundamental
concepts that have shaken the
foundation of Physics."
Laura Kraft, W.M. Keck Observatory,
April 2005
Texas Book Festival - 2007 featured book

"...This is a perfect celebration
covering all of the steps that a
newborn makes en route to becoming
a toddler.  The lush, enormously
appealing illustrations perfectly mesh
with the bouncy rhyme...Sure to be a
much-demanded, "Read-it-again"
picture book..."
School Library Journal, Sept. 2007

"...Peddicord creates a heartfelt story
commemorating the wonderful
development that occurs between
infancy and early childhood.  This
joyful testimony to a child's
progression is bound to appeal to a
preschooler's sense of pride in their
recent gains..."
Kirkus Reviews, Aug. 2007