Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Twelve? (day 1)

Hey Space Bloggers!

Posted in Destination Twelve, Neptune, Planets, Space Exploration, Space Game | 2 Comments

Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Eleven? And the location is…

Hey Space Bloggers!

Congratulations to Dr. Spaceman for getting us off to a great start!

Posted in Cassini, Destination Eleven, Galileo, Neutrinos, Planets, Saturn, Solar System, Space, Space Exploration, Space Game | Leave a comment

Special Halloween Edition

Hey Space Bloggers – Sorry, but I have to interrupt Space Game this week to bring you a special report:

It all started when these scientists started talking about this weird neutrino (very, VERY small particle) that supposedly goes faster than the speed of

Posted in Albert Einstein, Neutrinos, The Theory of Relativity | 6 Comments

Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Eleven? (day 4)

Hey Space Bloggers,

After reading the ‘day 3’ clue, I’m guessing that you are almost as confused as Galileo was to see that Destination Ten’s ‘moons’ suddenly disappeared, only to reappear four years later as ‘arms’.

Posted in Destination Eleven, Galileo, Planets, Saturn, Solar System, Space Exploration, Space Game | Leave a comment

Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Eleven? (day 3)

Hey Space Bloggers!

How are you doing? Have you figured out where Destination Eleven is yet?

Posted in Destination Eleven, Galileo, Saturn, Solar System, Space, Space Exploration, Space Game | Leave a comment

Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Eleven? (day 2)

Hey SpaceBoggers!

It’s day 2 and you know what that means. That’s right. Zip up your space suits and hold on…Here, in the practically immortal words of Destination Eleven, is your day 2

Posted in Destination Eleven, Planets, Saturn, Solar System, Space, Space Exploration, Space Game | Leave a comment

Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Eleven? (day 1)

Hey SpaceBloggers!

Have I got something special for you today, or what!

Posted in Destination Eleven, Saturn, Solar System, Space, Space Exploration, Space Game | 2 Comments

Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Ten? And the Location is…

Hey Space Bloggers!

Congratulations Bird of the Wind and Archimedes. You were both right! You figured out the location of Destination Ten from the following clues hidden in just three posts:

Credit: NASA/JPL


Posted in Destination Ten, Planets, Saturn, Solar System, Space, Space Exploration, Space Game, Titan | 2 Comments

Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Ten? (day 3)

Hey Space Bloggers!

Sorry about the

Posted in Destination Ten, Saturn, Space Exploration, Space Game, Titan | 5 Comments

Special Edition: SUPERNOVA

Hey SpaceBloggers!

We preempt this weeks blogpost of Space Game to bring you a fast breaking report of astronomical proportions. Are you ready? Here it is…

A star exploded in the Pinwheel galaxy 21 million years ago!!!

Fast breaking? (you ask) That’s right! (I answer) Even thought the star exploded 21 million years ago, it did so in a galaxy so far, far away that light from the explosion is just now reaching Earth. And it won’t be around for long.

Light rays from the supernova first hit Earth a couple of weeks ago, Tuesday, August 24th. The explosion was noticed within hours by crack scientists at the Palomar Observatory. It has been getting brighter each night and will reach its peak September 9 and 10, 2011.

Posted in Pinwheel Galaxy, Space, Supernovae | 1 Comment