Space Game! Where in the Solar System is Destination Four? And the location is…

Congratulations to Aidoboy who wrote in way back on day 2, and to all you other Space Bloggers who figured out that the cotton candy cloud wrapped greenhouse in space, with active volcanoes (maybe) and foul air (definitely!), is our brilliant evening star and closest neighbor, the second planet from the sun…


Credit: Galileo Project, JPL, NASA

Now to fill in some of the gaps.

About Jane Peddicord

Jane Ann Peddicord is an award winning author, lawyer, and space enthusiast. About her first book, NIGHT WONDERS, Laura Kraft of the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii wrote,
This entry was posted in Destination Four, Magellan, Planets, Solar System, Space, Space Exploration, Space Game, Venus, Venus Express. Bookmark the permalink.

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